to the Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative
The City of Albany has been taking action to address greenhouse gas emissions since 2005 when Mayor Jennings joined an inaugural group of mayors from around the country in signing on to the Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement. Since then, more than 1,000 mayors have signed on, committing to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their communities. The City has moved forward steadily on its efforts to reduce GHG emissions and become a more sustainable community.
With the creation of the Mayor’s Office of Energy & Sustainability, the City is now better positioned to expedite the implementation of activities to reduce energy use and costs for both the government and the community at large. Since the creation of the Office, the City has completed a comprehensive GHG emissions inventory, installed more than 100 Big Belly solar trash compactors and recycling bins around the City, developed a municipal energy conservation policy, and is working to become an electric vehicle ready community. The development of this climate action plan and its integration with Albany 2030 is another step towards a more sustainable future for the entire Capital Region.
Climate Change-related Plans
The City of Binghamton is developing a new Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas Inventory as part of its commitment to promoting sustainability in the community. The new Climate Action Plan will establish science-based strategies and goals for mitigating the effects of climate change, while the Greenhouse Gas Inventory will quantify the emissions produced by the City in a given year and track progress toward established goals.
This work will also assist the City in its pursuit of bronze certification in the New York State Climate Smart Communities Program. The City’s first Climate Action Plan was completed in 2011. Its first Greenhouse Gas Inventory used 2006 data. The new plan will include updates, improvements and actionable goals for the City to pursue in the coming years.
GOALS: Achievements
updated April 2024
The City of Albany's Climate Action Plan, part of the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan with a focus on sustainability, outlines strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhance climate resiliency. Developed through stakeholder and public engagement, it categorizes actions into two main areas: climate mitigation to lower GHG emissions and climate adaptation to prepare for climate change impacts. Recommendations include both existing Albany 2030 strategies and additional measures suggested by a Community Advisory Committee, covering energy, transportation, wastewater treatment, and natural resources.
Campus Efforts of Syracuse University
Syracuse University, having signed the ACUPCC, has released its climate action plan, as has SUNY-ESF. Originally published in 2009, the Climate Action Plan (CAP) serves as a roadmap to accomplish this task while understanding the University will continue to expand and grow. An updated CAP was published in 2022 highlighting greenhouse gas emission sources and initiatives that will help make greater progress towards carbon neutrality. With the goal of carbon neutrality moved up to 2032 in the spring of 2023, Sustainability Management issued an updated CAP in 2024.
Syracuse has has taken many positive steps towards sustainability and in 2012 it released the Syracuse Sustainability Plan as part of the City of Syracuse Comprehensive Plan 2040. The plan seeks to guide the City government in ways that preserved the local environment, reduced energy costs, and improved quality of life for residents. The Syracuse Common Council adopted the current plan and the five component plans in 2014.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory (October 2023)
In alignment with the City of Binghamton’s goals of updating its Climate Action Plan and achieving certification through New York State’s Climate Smart Community’s program, this greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) inventory was completed for the inventory year of 2022. This inventory serves as an update from the last inventory year of 2006, and was completed using the
Government Operations and Community modules of the USEPA Local Inventory Tool (USEPA Inventory Tool).
Capital District Zero Emission Vehicle Plan(2020)
The Capital District Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Plan updates the 2016 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Plan, aiming to enhance the Capital District's ZEV infrastructure and promote wider adoption. It suggests expanding the EV charging network and designating specific routes as Alternative Fuel Corridors. Focusing on light duty EVs with on-board batteries or fuel cells, the plan highlights the environmental and economic benefits of ZEVs, including lower fuel and maintenance costs and reduced air pollution in New York State.
The City of Rochester's Office of Energy and Sustainability has created a community-wide Climate Action Plan (CAP) to provide a framework for sustainable projects and actions that aligns with the Finger Lakes Regional Sustainability Plan.
Endorsed by City Council in May 2017, the City of Rochester Climate Action Plan has a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 2010 levels by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, the Plan outlines 35 implementation actions divided into five focus areas. The five focus areas revolve around residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Syracuse is a member of ICLEI and a signatory to the Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement. Syracuse was the first city in New York to join the Climate Registry and is a member of the NY Climate Smart Communities Program, along with Albany and Rochester. The city achieved its original goal of reducing energy use 20 percent by 2006, and in 2007 Syracuse became one of the first cities in New York to adopt green building standards for all new construction and major renovations of city-owned municipal buildings.
In 2022-23, the Division of City Planning will begin the next update to the comprehensive plan. City Planning will engage with a wide range of people, organizations, the city administration and city departments to revise the plan, which will guide government spending and action over the next five years.
In fiscal year 2022-2023, the Rochester-based Genesee-Finger Lakes Climate Collective, led by the Climate Solutions Accelerator, expanded its collaboration and launched climate action projects focusing on buildings, transportation, and renewable energy. Participating in learning exchanges and securing federal investments for regional initiatives, the Collective, alongside Monroe County, contributed to a greenhouse gas inventory. They also developed a tracking system for climate progress, with key indicators set to be publicly shared in 2024.
Tompkins County is not the only area of upstate New York that is paying attention to and taking action on climate change. Take a look at what our regional counterparts are doing to meet the challenge of climate change. It is this sort of community-driven initiative and leadership that we need across the country in the absence of federal action.
309 North Aurora Street | Ithaca, NY 14850 |
Rochester is also a signatory to the Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement and a member of Climate Smart Communities, ICLEI, the NY Smart Communities Program, and the Climate Registry. The city has established an Office of Energy and Sustainability (OES), which seeks to make Rochester "a model for innovative, ecologically sustainable operations, policies and practices, and connect the City with regional and national sustainability resources."
OES is responsible for helping the city to take advantage of the multiple benefits generated by adopting more sustainable practices. These include reduced operating costs for the City, creating a healthier, safer, more livable community, conserving and restoring natural resources, and mitigating and adapting to climate change. OES provides management and oversight of a wide variety of projects designed to build a more sustainable and resilient future while improving the health and well-being of our residents, and promoting economic vibrancy.
OES Plans and Guides: